Friday, September 4, 2009

Election Week

It's like O Week but worse. This week I have realised that I never want to be involved with student politics ever again.
I spent 2 and a half days this week campaigning for my beautiful boyfriend in his quest to join the Adelaide Uni Board, the National Union of students and the SRC.

I got stared down, called a liar, followed, interrupted, pushed aside and humiliated. And that was just to my face. It is a NASTY world out there.
On a lighter note, here we are in our INNOVATE garb. Fun fun.

The votes have finally come through and because of the referendum, less places are available. Juan didn't get in although he campaigned like a trooper. The only thing that makes this slightly sweeter is that the most horrible of the other campaigners did not get in either.

Oh well. It was worth a shot.