Monday, March 17, 2008

Muscle Men

Why is it that the muscle men at Ikea are so unhelpful. I thought they were paid to help me get my heavy flat packed stack of drawers into the car, instead they stood around talking about the difference between good and bad baked beans. Thanks guys, very helpful.

In other news, I had a pretty good weekend. Had work on Saturday but it was busy so that always makes it go faster. And then on Saturday night was Jo's 21st Colour party. You had to go all in one colour.

Fun. It looks totally rad in that picture.
Steph and I drank way too much. I believe we polished off 80% of a bottle of vodka in about 2 hours. We had fun tho. Everything was hilarious. Also, somehow we ended up kissing alot. That was weird.

I had to work on Sunday and couldn't feel my throat for about two hours. That was fabulous. Also a little kid pooped in the pool. Gross.
That night Juan and I went and saw Arj Barker. He's very funny, although he does tend to recycle jokes. But I'm glad I went. It was a good end to the Fringe season. And now Adelaide will die for another year.

All photos from Murfomurf

I'm pretty sure that's all.
I should go and prepare for my tutorial tomorrow morning. FUN.


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