Monday, June 16, 2008

Ahh close-mindedness

I saw a friend from my primary school today. We were kind of friends at the start of high school too even though we went to different schools. But ANYWAY, I went into a shop that she was working in and the second thing she asked me was if I was still with my boyfriend (yes) and then she said "The Filipino one" (also yes). This strikes me in two ways. One, why does she feel the need to classify him by where he was born? He was raised in Australia and speaks better English than most it's not like he's some crazy foreigner (not that I would mind, I love him anyway but whatevs) and ALSO, why did she have to ask the second question, it's not like she's heard me talk about a lot of different guys that are my boyfriends... LAME. And ALSO, THREE, why is that the only thing she's interested in? Like, there are other things about me that people should be interested in, not just who i'm sleeping with. I was talking to Jus about this the other day. Why are people only interested in that? It just makes me feel vulnerable and makes them superficial. Is that the only thing that validates me socially? Nothing else I'm doing (kicking ass at school, volunteering, working 3 jobs, all my creative bents) matters?
Gargh this annoys me.

Anyway, I'm going away tomorrow, flying to Melbourne in the AM to go and see my grandma in the sticks and then going back to Melbourne for the Ballet (SO EXCITED) and some art exhibitions before heading back to little Adelaide.

Anyway, that's about it. Also I started my new job today. It was alright, I think I'll like it. Hoorah.


P.S. I'm putting up new links.


JP said...

I'm not Filipino though, I'm Filipinegro

Kaisa said...

I wanna go to a ballet too! Not fair.