Friday, June 13, 2008

This happens ALL the time

I think of all the things I want to blog about and then when I open Blogger, I cannot think of anything good.

I went to the markets for dinner tonight with Thom, Jenkins, Ellie, Ali, James, Chris and Shaun. I bought Fruit Salad candies. They're so delicious. Also, I had Kwai Tao noodles which was so yum.

Other than that today was pretty shitty. I had a job interview, I thought I didn't do so well but turns out I got the job. So that's good and the hours suit me so I'm pleased (I'm aware that I said today was shitty but I did get a new job, that wasn't really the shitty part). Also I've felt like crap for like the whole day. I think I'm starting to realise how Em feels. I feel like I'm going to throw up. Also, I have a 2500 word essay due on Monday and it's about child sexual abuse which is depressing.

Also I just discovered that the First Aid course that I was to attend tomorrow was ACTUALLY yesterday =( Hopefully I can reschedule and not lose my money.

And I went to a funeral yesterday. It made me think, what is the point of having friend and family? Like, we're all going to die and leave each other. Everything is just painful.

And... I should stop starting sentences with and. Do you think it's possible to tell someone something (like something you do or something you believe in) and have a relationship that isn't based on that? Wow... way to make sense, no sense. Like, say person A tells person B that they've had an abortion (this is not about me or abortions) is it possible for Person B to be around Person A and not judge them or base all their actions on that?

I want a pair of black and white striped socks but I want the stripes to be vertical not horizontal. I am searching eBay.
This is Amy Lee in the Lithium video which is amazing. I wish life looked like this.

This is Lisa from LisaPlace. She's flippin' gorgeous and only 14! Amazing makeup and beautiful photos.

And I don't know who she is or where I got these photos but I really like them.

Hopefully I start house sitting in about 2 weeks. Hopefully I can hone my photoshop skillz then. And start the many many projects that I have been thinking about.

Must go and study. Even though I cannot concentrate for despair.

ex oh ex oh (God, I love Veronica Mars, Kristen Bell and Gossip Girl)

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