Tuesday, March 25, 2008


This is my friend Mia. I think she's absolutely gorgeous. And probably the sweetest person in the world.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tired and Uninspired

You know how there are those songs that have such an affect on your but you can't explain or describe it?

Tired and Uninspired by My American Heart is one of those songs for me. Every time I hear it I get this wrenching feeling in my gut like there's some sort of thing pulling my insides out. That sounds gross but it's in a good way. It just makes me FEEL so so much.

It's a beautiful song. Whoever it is written about is a very lucky person.

Maybe one day someone will write a song about me.

Relax relax, exhale and breathe, just breathe for me...


Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Family

Sometimes my family cracks me up. We just had dinner, at the dinner table for the first time in ages and it was a great home cooked meal with baked vegies and steamed greens and steak. We were so wholesome. BUt the topic of conversation was just hilarious. We had a big discussion about why girly bits only have crappy names but boy bits have good punchy names, we talked about porn and Ferris Bueller. Probably totally inappropriate but we all had a good laugh.

Happy Easter!

exx oh exx oh

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Little Like...

So Anthony Minghella died today. He wrote the play I performed for my Year 12 assessment. He was pretty young and died from a haemmorhage on the operating table.

In other news, I have decided to start a new creative art project. SO that should make me happy. And it kind of does but I feel super down tonight because I had a fight with Juan. It seemed important but whenever he is gone then I feel so sad if we're fighting. And I have so much uni work to do and I have no motivation at all.

But I should go and try and do it.

love Caity

Monday, March 17, 2008

Muscle Men

Why is it that the muscle men at Ikea are so unhelpful. I thought they were paid to help me get my heavy flat packed stack of drawers into the car, instead they stood around talking about the difference between good and bad baked beans. Thanks guys, very helpful.

In other news, I had a pretty good weekend. Had work on Saturday but it was busy so that always makes it go faster. And then on Saturday night was Jo's 21st Colour party. You had to go all in one colour.

Fun. It looks totally rad in that picture.
Steph and I drank way too much. I believe we polished off 80% of a bottle of vodka in about 2 hours. We had fun tho. Everything was hilarious. Also, somehow we ended up kissing alot. That was weird.

I had to work on Sunday and couldn't feel my throat for about two hours. That was fabulous. Also a little kid pooped in the pool. Gross.
That night Juan and I went and saw Arj Barker. He's very funny, although he does tend to recycle jokes. But I'm glad I went. It was a good end to the Fringe season. And now Adelaide will die for another year.

All photos from Murfomurf http://www.flickr.com/photos/murfomurf/

I'm pretty sure that's all.
I should go and prepare for my tutorial tomorrow morning. FUN.


Thursday, March 6, 2008


Last night Juan, Angus, Steph, Mia, Chris, Raf, Simon, Tom and Thom went to see Nicholas Tweedy and Charlie Caper, magicians!! They were so so awesome. Tweedy is an illusionist and a mentalist and Caper practices mainly sleight of hand and card tricks. Tweedy made stuff LEVITATE and Caper made a can of Coke COME OUT OF HIS SHOE, proceeded to drink it and then RESEALED it and DRANK IT AGAIN! It was so amazing. A good amount of our friends got to go up on stage. Simon got his watch stolen by Tweedy. It was hilarious.

Monday, March 3, 2008

You know how just occasionally, you will come across a person you think is perfect in every single way.

I have one of those people in my life. She's the same age as me (21) and just seems to have everything planned and everything falls into place for her. She's beautiful, funny, intelligent and creative. She's in love and currently designing her engagement ring. She knows exactly what she wants to do in life and I have every belief that she will make these things happen.

Anyway, she's awesome and I think that everyone should have someone like this in their lives, as it makes you strive to be a better person.

Soundwave Adelaide '08

2 days after the event I'm still basically reduced to open mouthed-ness and "so so awesomes". It was SO RAD.

We got there at about 11:30 and gates opened at 12 and we moved in pretty quickly. We went straight to Stage 5 where the beautiful boys from My American Heart were setting up. And I almost forgot. While we were in the line Dustin from MAH walked past promoting them playing. That's dedication. Anyways, they were amazing and easily my highlight. They played Tired and Uninspired which was just... wow. Dustin the bassist has SO much energy. They're so good.

Photo Credit: OMGWTHMOO

Photo Credit: Everybody Wake Up

After that Emma, Chris and I headed over to see Sugarcult. They were okay. I wish the lead singer didn't preface every song with "And this song's about...". Reminds me of that time I saw Gerling (CRAP) and they were all "This song's about getting drunk on a Saturday night and eating a kebab". LAME. BUt they played Bouncing off the Walls which is definitely a pleaser. It did go off.

Photo Credit: OMGWTHMOO

After that we went over to the Plain WHite T's. I also really enjoyed their set. It makes no sense but I wish they played more songs off their old album, I think it's punchier. I got to dance to You and Me with Tom and Krauk tho, that was FUN. Also, when they played Hey There, Delilah the crows just flocked to the stage, it was amazing.

Thursday also played a good set and played Jet Black New Year, my favourite song. I think it's just so clever.

Shadows Fall were lame. I hate bands that come on stage and insult the people they're playing for. Also we were surrounded by lame arse metal heads and their dumbass girlfriends making out in the pit. Yes, pay $120 to make out...

Incubus was FABULOUS. They played Drive, Wish You Were Here, Pistola, Anna Molly. It could only have been better if they played Dig. Also Brandon is sexy.

The Offspring were the main pull of the event and I thought they were entertaining but still disappointing. They barely acknowledged the crowd except to say "Adelaide, let's get LAID". Hilarious. They played my favourite Want You Bad but I think they faked their way through Pretty Fly.

I thoroughly enjoyed it and if it comes back next year I'll definitely be back.

xoxo Caity