Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Family

Sometimes my family cracks me up. We just had dinner, at the dinner table for the first time in ages and it was a great home cooked meal with baked vegies and steamed greens and steak. We were so wholesome. BUt the topic of conversation was just hilarious. We had a big discussion about why girly bits only have crappy names but boy bits have good punchy names, we talked about porn and Ferris Bueller. Probably totally inappropriate but we all had a good laugh.

Happy Easter!

exx oh exx oh

1 comment:

Lucy Lu said...

ahaha that sounds like one of the conversations my family has at dinner. theres 9 people in my family, well 10 if you count my sister in when we all have dinner together its hilarious. lately we've ended up talking about dead mice..because my dog killed a mouse..its amusing :)

thanks for commenting on my blog! cool that you used to live in canberra.