Sunday, September 7, 2008


I am feeling... dissatisfied. I don't know if I'm bored, hungry, tired or what. So I decided to blog. Netball got cancelled tonight because the other team forfeited. Disappointing.
I should be doing as assignment that is due on Friday but I cannot get motivated. I should just do it.
I managed to catch an episode of Gilmore Girls on tv just before. Now I want to watch it all.
I want to go to Camp America, but no money
I want to lose some weight, but too lazy
I want to go to bed again, but too much to do
I want this year to be over, but time travel is impossible

I'm scared for the amount of work I've signed up for. I'll essentially be working 7am-1 or 3pm most days except Sat when its 9am - 4pm and Sunday 8:30am til 12:30.
Given that the boy works nights, we'll never see each other :(

Why do I only blog when I'm feeling sorry for myself or angry.

I'm going to get into gear and study. So I can watch a movie with the boy later tonight.


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