Monday, September 22, 2008

Some things - an update

So I haven't blogged in ages. I get so busy and then when I get time I'm like "duuuh, what do I write about?".

Some things:

I miss Pearly's blog, alot. I wish I could find more blogs like hers.
I really like the way people like Steph and Molly seem to live their lives.
I will buy more stuff for my own enjoyment
The Resolution is a beautiful song and Andrew McMahon is a genius. I cannot wait for the new Jack's Mannequin album. 2 more days!

Yesterday I had the day off work and it was loverly. I made cupcakes! Siân and Melly's birthday extravaganza last night and so I made them both a tray of cupcakes. Mel is vegan so I forayed into the world of vegan cooking and I think they turned out pretty well. Neither were decorated as well as I would have liked but I ran out of time and so had to make do.

The party was really fun. There was a band, whom I liked very much and most people were dressed up. Siân dressed up as Strawberry Shortcake and looked exactly like her. She was adorable. And Melly made the hottest pirate.

Not much else has happened. I've been socialising alot, which is super fun. Pritika left for England yesterday. I can't believe she'll be gone for 6 months!

Oh and lastly, there used to be a time when I would see the same car driving to work on a Saturday morning. I would drive behind him for a good 10 minutes until he turned and I continued straight. This is not unusual but being behind this car made me so so angry. In the way that Catholic school preachers make me angry (though less so now that I don't spend 7 hours a day at Catholic school). ANYWAY this GUY has a bumper sticker that says "It's a child, not a choice". Now I'm not necessarily pro or anti abortion, I think it depends entirely on the couple/woman and the situation she is in. Not everyone will make a good parent and not everyone can support a child. Yes, there's adoption but that isn't necessarily what is best for the child, I've seen what it can do. It annoys me that a GUY has this on his car. Of anyone, he is least likely to understand. He's probably some gung-ho religious freak who has no idea what he's talking about. He makes me mad.

I think that's all for now.


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