Sunday, May 4, 2008

My Sunday

We got our asses kicked at Netball this afternoon. It was really annoying because the team was made up of babies from my old high school and they were shits. Oh well.
Afterwards we went to Chris's to see the rat that Raf bought for his girlfriend. It's called Sandy because his gf's name is Shelley...

I'm listening to Aqua. God, they were cool.
I have a 21st in a couple of weeks and the theme is 90's. Steph and I are trying to think of something to go as.

I've been reading my old blog, from when I was in year twelve. In some respects I have changed heaps, in other's I haven't changed a bit.

I miss all my old music too. Although much of it is considered lame or uncool, I like it. Most of it has memories attached.

ALSO, I had the wackiest dream last night. It was NOT the kind of dream I normally have and in no way reflects what I feel or think when conscious. I need time to fully think about it, it was so strange.

I keep getting hot then cold. I'm not really sick so I don't know what that's about.

I have an assignment due in a week and I was going to go and study at uni all day but I think I may do some chores in the morning (CLEAN my ROOM) and then go to uni in the afternoon.

I love you J...Without you I don't sleep... Oh how I also love Jack's Mannequin. I maintain that that album is in my top 5 ever.

I want to start writing and compiling my book. But it takes so much time... that I don't have.

oh well.

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