Monday, May 19, 2008


So I had a full on weekend. On Friday I had a bunch of uni/work stuff to do and that was unexciting. But on Friday night I went out to dinner at the Central Markets with Ronnie and Emo.

Hooray. I had noodles with chicken and bok choi and dumplings. It was delicious. And then we went to Cibo for icecream. Emo had to go to work, to deliver babies but Steph and I sat for a while a reminisced about the 90's due to the fact that Chris's 21st to come was 90's themed.
We both loved the Babysitters Club books and subsequently

The Babysitters Club movie. I'd just like to point out though that in the top picture, Mallory is supposed to be 11 and WHAT 11 YEAR OLD WEARS THAT!??

Also how good was Clueless?!? Donald Faison's (Murray) little speech about his use of the word 'woman' in reference to his girlfriend is hilarious.

And who can forget the Spice Girls. I was a HUGE Spice Girls fan. I had a Spice Girls t-shirt and a folder for school. Oh yeah, I was cool.

On Saturday I worked, it was less than exciting. Also then I went to Pritika's house and did her hair for the Law Ball. It was fun, we had a girlie chat and I LOVED her dress.
I had to go home and pimp myself 90's style. Think side pony. Oh yeah I went there.
And then it was to Jono's house for Chris and Jono's joint 21st.

Jono getting his drink on.
It was a good night. Except for when I stacked it HARDCORE right at the end of the speeches in front of EVERYONE and did my ankle in. So not only am I full of shame and embarrassment but ALSO my ankle is black and puffy. ALSO, I wasn't totally drunk, only a little bit, and Jono's mum sees me in the LAP room and recognised me and I had to be all assuring that I was a) okay and b) not drunk.

What else?

I had my oral presentation on Tuesday and it went really well. Also I think it's sort of helped me decide what I want to do with my life. Maybe.

Also, this is a picture of one of the 1st year WAAPA students preparing for their show.
So freakin cool.

I don't really have much more to say thank god. I should go and finish my tute prep.
Oh, I'm up to the last ever episode of Veronica Mars and I can't bear to watch it. I dont want it to be over!!


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