Thursday, May 15, 2008

Take Two

This is a post I wrote almost 3 years ago. It's a shame that it still rings true...

I hate that HE can make her cry, that he can make her feel so happy and so sad within a split second.
I hate that SHE fucks people around without any shred of evidence of feeling
I hate that I am still not over what happened then, and that SHE seems to be entirely unaffected
I hate that HE could turn out so bad, and that I was deluded for so long
I hate that HE is involved at all because He is not a nice person
I hate that SHE is never around to feel the pain everyone else feels because SHE's a wimp, and in hiding
I hate that SHE beat me in going through this, just like she always does, its not supposed to be a competition, but somehow it is...
I hate that HE makes me want to kill and kiss him at the same time
I hate that SHE is a hypocrite, yet know I am also
I hate that SHE thinks she's in control when she's really not
I hate that HE gets on his high horse and wont get the fuck off
I hate that a person can be treated like shit and then called 'sweetheart' 2 seconds later

It's a real shame that I remember who all of those are about except one. And that most of them are still true.
I'm having alot of trouble with my friends at the moment. There's so much shit going on. So much animosity. So many secrets. So many people lying to each other. Cheating. Lying. Backstabbing. Pretending. I hate it.

Whenever we go out recently, I find out more people who don't like each other but who just pretend. And what for? What do they get out of it? A and B don't like each other. C HATES D who's THIS close to bedding his ex girlfriend E. A also hates D, as does F. G is hated by pretty much everyone but that's cuz he cheated on H to be with I. I is an idiot because recently G hit on I's friend J. K and L just broke up which makes everything awkward especially as K will probably now hook up with M, a very faux friend.
God I could keep going which is just depressing.

On another note. I have a 90's party to go to on Saturday.
I think I'll channel Deb from Napoleon Dynamite

Gotta find myself a bumbag, a side ponytail, and some boon doggles.

Also look how gorgeous she is.

Also this chick, Kristeen Young, is pretty cool. I'm going to start wearing my hair like that. It's hot.

That's about it.

1 comment:

Tom said...

alas for all this hatery and lies! it makes me feel a bit, well, fluffy, cos a lot of it just happens over the top of my head and i dont notice all the time... tho i suppose i can see it if i think about it...